Wednesday 22 June 2016

How your business could benefit from our referral scheme

If you are happy with the service you get from Scorpio it makes sense to share this with your business contacts. If it benefits them, it will benefit you. To show our appreciation for business you send our way, we will send you a free printer cartridge.

Keep sending us referrals and you could keep printing for free indefinitely!

There are no limits on the number of free cartridges you can claim. For every lead you provide that generates £150 or more of business for us, we will send you another free cartridge. Continue to work with us in this way and you need never pay for a cartridge again!

How to claim

If you would like to claim your free cartridge, just contact our sales team with the details of a contact that you think would benefit from our service. We will follow up the lead and provided it generates a reasonable level of business for us we will put a free cartridge in your next order.

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